Why I'm Here...

Sunday, April 03, 2011

Big K.R.I.T.

It’s been a long time…I should’na left you…

I feel like I’ve been away from my blog fam for an eternity! Lord knows I’ve had a lot of music and music biz on my mind, but between school, work and working on my own music, I just haven’t had the time to share. But I am not gone! Over the past couple of months I’ve heard from a lot of people who let me know they read and enjoy my blog, so I want everyone to know the love is appreciated and I haven’t quit. Keep checking with me!

There has been too much going on to give a detailed re-cap. March was chock full of hip hop ups and downs – Lupe’s fiasco named Lasers and the ongoing debate about it/him, tragically losing one of our beloved OGs, Nate Dogg, Prodigy’s release from the pen (Did anybody notice? Sorry, I get nostalgic when reminded of the classic hip-hop duos and groups), and let’s not forget about that A-Roy EP that dropped…(shameless plughttp://a-roy.bandcamp.com/).  But I will go out on a limb and say the best was indeed saved for last – on March 28, Big K.R.I.T. unveiled his newest batch of free music, Return of 4Eva. Some may have felt K.R.I.T. couldn’t produce another LP of high quality rhymes AND beats from top to bottom like he did on K.R.I.T. Wuz Here, but hip-hoppers, he held us down yet again – if you haven’t heard it, the album is a complete banger, in the truest sense of southern-style hip hop.

To top off my week long Big K.R.I.T. high, I got the chance to catch his performance out at Trees in Deep Ellum last night. I thought I had grown out of the “getting crunk” phase that all southern hip hop enthusiasts go through at some point, but K.R.I.T. brought that shit right back out of me. I was sweating, bouncing and hollering like we did when I was 16 and Lil’ Jon was popping. And that's what I love about K.R.I.T. - he represents the hip hop culture of the south honestly but doesn't sacrifice lyrical content in the process.  K.R.I.T. is truly a combination of all the great acts from the south – Outkast, 8Ball &MJG, Scarface, Three 6 Mafia & UGK rolled into one…with a lil’ Devin the Dude sprinkled on the top for good measure. And his stage show was incredible – the way he rocked the crowd through the power of his words AND his energy is a rare gift only a few MCs are blessed with. Most folk who were bouncing wildly and throwing ‘bows also knew all the words to every song, which lets me know K.R.I.T. has a movement going, not just banging beats or a temporary trend. I should also mention that the other acts were dope as hell too – Freddie Gibbs, Smoke DZA, A.Dd+ and a few others all wrecked the stage and kept the crowd hype as well. Trees was packed to the max, and for a $15 price tag, I couldn’t have asked for more from an underground hip hop show. Real talk though, people, if you’re not messing with Big K.R.I.T. yet, you are missing out - check the young brotha' out here: ----> http://returnof4eva.com/.

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